(December 22, 2023)
I. General requirements
Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20 National Congresses,忠实践行习近平总书记在新时代推进东北全面振兴座谈会上的重要讲话精神和视察吉林重要讲话重要指示精神,Conscientiously implement the spirit of the fourth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee,Adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability,Implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner,We will accelerate the building of a new pattern of development,We will strive to promote high-quality development,Adhere to the direction of socialist market economy reform,Adhere to the "two unwavering",We will accelerate the creation of a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment,We will improve the environment for the development of the private economy,We will protect the property rights of private enterprises and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs,We will comprehensively build friendly and clean relations between government and business,Economic entities under all forms of ownership shall have equal access to factors of production, participate in fair market competition, and enjoy equal legal protection,We will guide private enterprises to continuously improve the quality of development through their own reform and development, compliance management, transformation and upgrading,We will encourage the private sector to grow bigger, better and stronger,We will make positive contributions to the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country,We will take the lead in achieving new breakthroughs in the overall revitalization of Jilin。
Second, we will continue to improve the environment for the development of the private economy
1.We will further improve the negative list system for market access。全面排查和破除以备案、注册、年检、认定、认证、指定、要求设立分公司等形式设定或变相设定的市场准入隐性壁垒,多渠道听取经营主体、行业协会商会等意见,配合国家做好市场准入负面十大菠菜靠谱老平台的修订、发布及落实工作。严格执行违背市场准入负面十大菠菜靠谱老平台案例归集和通报制度,按季度征集和报送违背市场准入负面十大菠菜靠谱老平台案例。
2.We will clean up and standardize government services。清理规范行政审批、许可、备案等政务服务事项的前置条件和审批标准,不得将政务服务事项转为中介服务事项,没有法律法规依据不得在政务服务前要求企业自行检测、检验、认证、鉴定、公证或提供证明等。
3.We will strictly enforce the system of fair competition。授予经营者特许经营权时,必须履行公平竞争程序,不得限定经营、购买、使用特定经营者提供的商品和服务。进一步完善政策制定机关公平竞争自我审查机制,部署开展全省妨碍统一市场和公平竞争政策措施清理工作,组织开展公平竞争审查交叉检查工作,确保对各类所有制企业一视同仁、平等对待。Organize and carry out special anti-monopoly law enforcement actions in the province to break administrative monopoly。
4.Improve credit incentive and restraint mechanisms。加强经营主体信用信息公示,相关部门可将信用信息作为经营主体参加评优评先参考依据。We will carry out special campaigns to combat serious violations of law and dishonesty and strengthen credit constraints。We will further standardize credit repair work and help enterprises rebuild credit。
5.Improve the credit information record and sharing system。Relying on the provincial credit integrated service platform, various types of subject credit information are collected and shared with the national credit information sharing platform。加强数据共享应用,将可共享的信用信息挂载到吉林省数据共享交换平台,供各地各部门订阅使用。推广信用承诺制度,将承诺履约情况记入信用记录,作为事中、事后监管的重要依据,并依托“信用中国(吉林)”网站向社会公开。开展明察暗访,将政府履行契约方面不作为、慢作为、假作为、乱作为问题及时移送有关部门,由其督促责任主体进行整改。
6.We will improve policies related to the transformation of individual businesses into enterprises。We will further simplify the administrative license examination and approval service process and improve work efficiency。Promote the implementation of the "individual to enterprise" policy, establish the "individual to enterprise" cultivation database, and provide guidance services throughout the process。Relevant departments and financial institutions support "individual enterprises" to continue to enjoy the relevant rights and interests of the original individual industrial and commercial households in accordance with the law。
Seven.We will strengthen the trial of bankruptcy cases involving private enterprises。完善破产企业识别机制,对符合破产受理条件但仍有发展前景和挽救价值的企业,开展破产重整、破产和解,帮助濒临破产的民营企业甩开包袱、恢复生机、重返市场。
Third, increase policy support for the private economy
8.We will expand financing channels for private micro, small and medium-sized enterprises。用好再贷款、再贴现等结构性货币政策,增加对民营中小微企业信贷投放,合理确定贷款利率,降低融资成本。银行业金融机构对符合续贷条件的民营中小微企业,不盲目惜贷、抽贷、断贷、压贷,按照市场化法治化原则,采取贷款展期、调整还款计划等方式,灵活满足需求,保持合理流动性。We will further implement the "Jixiang" plan for listing enterprises, carry out a jump in listing cultivation, and promote more private enterprises to list and raise funds。推动省内具有承销资质的金融机构,为符合条件的民营企业发行短期融资券、中期票据、定向工具等债务融资工具。推广“信易贷”服务模式,引导中小微企业、个体工商户和金融机构入驻“信易贷”平台,不断提升信用贷款可得性。
9.We will improve the mechanism for the regular prevention and settlement of delinquent accounts。We will strictly implement the relevant regulations on the management of government investment projects, and no project shall be approved without the source of funds。严禁政府和国有投资工程以各种方式要求企业带资承包,对政府投资建设资金未落实到位和企业垫资等情形,发现一起、查处一起,终身问责。完善投诉处理机制,充分利用省中小企业服务热线“96611”和有关部门投诉举报渠道收集拖欠中小企业账款线索。Smooth channels for complaints and reports,对国务院“互联网+督查”和工业和信息化部违约拖欠中小企业款项登记(投诉)平台转办的线索“即收即办”,Put into account management,Compaction responsibility,Standardized disposal process,Strict check treatment,To rectify and investigate violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law,Hold relevant responsible units and personnel accountable。完善清欠机制,开展清理涉政府投资项目拖欠民营中小企业账款专项整治行动,按时序进度完成清欠任务。强化领导机制,将清欠工作纳入各级政府“一把手”工程,纳入年度市(州)政府和部门的转移支付、项目审批和绩效考核。Strengthen the assessment mechanism, and incorporate the work of debt clearance into the assessment and evaluation of the province's business environment and the development environment of small and medium-sized enterprises。
10.Smooth the flow of talents to private enterprises。根据规上企业专业技术人员总量及企业对职称自主评审的实际需求下放职称自主评审权限。继续实施全省民营企业技能人才和专业技术人才贯通、“高精尖缺”人才职称“绿色通道”等工作。
11.Build a platform for connecting private enterprises, individual industrial and commercial businesses with employment information and job hunting information for workers。依托“96885吉人在线”服务平台,以及各级公共招聘网站、公众号、小程序、微信群、直播带岗、人力资源市场等渠道常态化开展线上线下招聘活动。We will hold special employment service activities such as "Private Enterprise Service Month", "100 million Recruitment Special Action" and "Golden Autumn Recruitment Month"。
12.We will vigorously promote school-enterprise cooperation and the integration of industry and education。We will carry out industrialization training projects and encourage universities to conduct research focusing on the technological needs of private enterprises。吸纳更多民营企业加入市域产教联合体、行业产教融合共同体创建工作,完善政行企校协调联动工作机制。
13.We will promote direct access to funds for enterprises。分别根据项目实施进度、资金支付需求、补助补贴发放周期等情况及时拨付资金,并督促有关部门和单位及时支付资金。及时提醒和纠正预算分配不及时、资金使用迟缓、挤占挪用等问题,确保资金安全规范高效使用。
14.Establish and improve the mechanism for handling enterprise demands。充分利用省长公开电话“96118”、省政府“互联网+督查”平台、省中小企业服务热线“96611”、政务服务便民热线“12345”、省营商环境投诉举报热线“12342”,Further standardize the whole process of enterprise complaint acceptance, handling and feedback,We will upgrade government services。注重审计、巡视、巡察等渠道反馈的涉企问题,构建部门联动的工作机制,及时回应和解决民营企业合理诉求。Promote the construction of the "two health" comprehensive service platform of the Federation of Industry and Commerce,为民营企业和民营企业家提供政策信息宣传、企业诉求解决、法律维权、金融对接、便企惠企、教育宣传培训、线上调研评议、监测预警分析、会员组织管理等服务,We will expand channels to contact private enterprises,Comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of the Federation of Industry and Commerce in serving private enterprises。Regularly hold a special meeting of the president of the industry association to study the urgent problems in the development of the industry。
Fifteen.Implement procedures for adjusting enterprise-related policies in accordance with laws and regulations。对反映问题比较集中的涉企政策,认真研究政策调整的必要性,确需调整的,在听取企业家和有关方面意见建议基础上,按程序调整。对可能增加企业成本、影响企业正常生产经营的政策进行调整,在听取相关行业企业意见的基础上合理设置过渡期,给企业留出必要的适应调整时间。
16.Smooth regular communication channels with private enterprises。完善“吉微企服”小程序,及时回应关切和利益诉求,实时在线收集整理、甄别上报、解答办理、跟踪反馈、办结销号,履行受理、转办、督办、反馈、办结等职责,流转过程实现闭环管理。
Fourth, strengthen the legal guarantee for the development of the private economy
17.Prevent and correct the use of administrative or criminal means to intervene in economic disputes。The situation of interfering in economic disputes by criminal means shall be corrected according to law。Establish and operate "green channels" for handling enterprise-related complaints and cases to ensure that enterprise-related cases are handled and concluded in a timely manner in accordance with the law。依托“12389”举报投诉平台,及时受理核查利用行政或刑事手段干预经济纠纷、执法中的地方保护主义等举报投诉线索,一经核实迅速给予纠正,造成不良后果的,督促作出有责处理。
18.Minimize the impact of investigation on normal office work and lawful production and operation。准确甄别违法所得与合法财产、法人财产与个人财产、涉案人员个人财产与家庭成员财产,避免超权限、超范围、超数额、超时限查封扣押冻结财产。充分评估案件性质、情节、社会危害性以及企业生产经营状况和发展前景,精准处置涉案财产,对不具有损毁、隐匿等法定情形的,原则上不查封、不扣押,降低案件办理对企业生产经营的影响。
19.We will improve the mechanism for effective prevention and regular correction of wrongful cases。We will protect the property rights of private enterprises and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs。在办理申诉案件中及时处理涉企案件、涉产权案件,对确有错误的依法启动审判监督程序,及时纠正。
20.We will promote the development of private enterprises based on the rule of law and clean private enterprises。健全包容审慎监管执法制度体系,促进企业积极主动提升依法合规经营管理水平,预防和减少企业违法违规行为。Promote the province's market supervision system to clarify the scope and specific procedures of compliance reform, and carry out in-depth compliance reform work。对依法适用企业合规的涉案企业,积极引导开展合规建设,加大第三方监督评估机制适用比例,积极、稳妥、规范有序推进涉案企业合规改革工作。依法加大对民营企业工作人员职务侵占、挪用资金、受贿等腐败行为的惩处力度,构建民营企业源头防范和治理腐败的体制机制。
Twenty-one.We will intensify efforts to protect intellectual property rights。组织开展反不正当竞争专项执法行动,严厉打击侵犯商业秘密、仿冒混淆等不正当竞争行为。紧紧围绕制约民营企业发展的侵犯知识产权违法犯罪行为,组织行政执法部门开展专项整治,切实提升打击力度,加大对民营企业原始创新保护。We will provide guidance on dealing with overseas intellectual property disputes, and strengthen information supply and services on overseas intellectual property cases and risk early warning。依法惩治侵犯知识产权犯罪,加强立案监督和侦查活动监督,严格落实知识产权侵权惩罚性赔偿、行为保全等制度,防止涉知识产权案件有案不立和不当立案。Early intervention in major and difficult cases involving intellectual property rights。
Twenty-two.We will improve the supervision and law enforcement system。Deploy and carry out special rectification of key issues in the field of market supervision and administrative law enforcement in the province。Establish a law enforcement cooperation mechanism in the field of market supervision in three provinces and one region in Northeast China。Implement the "five-stage" law enforcement model of law publicity, education and guidance, warning and reasoning, administrative punishment, supervision and rectification。
Twenty-three.We will strengthen treatment of illegal fees charged by enterprises。组织开展涉企违规收费专项整治,严查重点行业领域涉企违规收费,重点关注“12315”热线、网络平台等各类渠道投诉举报信息,加强涉企收费部门联合监管,形成监管合力。
Fifth, we will strive to promote high-quality development of the private economy
24.Guide private enterprises to improve the corporate governance structure and management system。组织开展“管理专家企业行”活动,鼓励有条件的民营企业建立完善中国特色现代企业制度,依法推动企业实现法人财产与出资人个人或家族财产分离,明晰企业产权结构。研究构建风险评估体系和提示机制,鼓励民营企业加强风险防范管理,提升质量管理意识和能力。
Twenty-five.We will continue to enhance our capacity for scientific and technological innovation。启动实施吉林省科技人才助力企业创新跃升三年行动,提升企业科技创新和成果转化能力。Private enterprises are encouraged to continue to increase investment in research and development, and carry out research on key core technologies。实施专精特新中小企业高质量发展梯度培育工程,培育一批注重细分市场、聚焦主业、创新能力强、成长性好、具有吉林产业特色的专精特新中小企业,推动向国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业发展。Formulate measures for promoting the development of characteristic industrial clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises in Jilin Province, and promote the development of characteristic industrial clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises。We will implement the state policy on government procurement to support innovative products。发挥首台(套)保险补偿机制作用,对企业研发生产的产品列入《十大菠菜网排行》并实现销售的,按要求给予生产企业一次性奖励和保险补偿。
Twenty-six.We will promote joint research on common technologies。推进校企联合技术创新实验室建设,鼓励高校与民营企业合作建设技术创新平台,开展协同创新,完善成果转化机制。在省科技发展计划中设立科技型中小微企业“破茧成蝶”专项项目,助力科技型中小微企业成长壮大。
27.We will promote the digital transformation and technological upgrading of private enterprises。We will encourage industrial enterprises to accelerate the implementation of intelligent transformation and digital transformation。Encourage private enterprises to participate in the innovative application of the industrial Internet to help the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry。Select a number of "Digitalization Models of Private Enterprises in Jilin Province"。Guide private enterprises to actively promote standardization construction, and guide chambers of commerce and enterprises to create group standards。Private enterprises are encouraged to step up green and low-carbon transformation of production processes, equipment and technologies。Special financial support will be given to eligible green transformation projects, and private enterprises will be organized to create a provincial green manufacturing system。
28.Continue to improve international competitiveness。Strengthen the brand construction of "Jizhiji Pin", carry out brand certification, increase publicity and promotion efforts, and enhance the influence of Jilin brand。鼓励民营企业拓展海外业务,加强境外风险防范培训,引导有条件的企业赴境外开展投资合作。Support private enterprises in jointly building the Belt and Road。We will improve the ability of private enterprises to prevent risks。Guide enterprises to use WTO rules to safeguard their own interests。加强外经贸领域公共服务体系建设,指导和培训民营企业提高应对国际贸易摩擦能力,加大外贸企业汇率避险、融资信贷、出口信用风险管理等服务工作力度。
29.We will improve the wage distribution system in private enterprises。制定发布企业工资指导线,开展企业薪酬调查,发布人力资源市场工资指导价位,为企业和职工确定薪资待遇提供参考。推动企业建立和规范工资集体协商制度,指导企业和职工围绕劳动报酬、休息休假等方面开展协商。
Thirty.Promote the participation of private enterprises in major strategies。Promote qualified private enterprises to participate in carbon emission trading。We will provide guidance and assistance to private enterprises that are included in the carbon market, and improve the carbon emission management capabilities of relevant enterprises。Guide private enterprises to participate in third-party verification of carbon emissions and compilation of greenhouse gas emission inventories。We will encourage private enterprises to participate in rural revitalization。Identified a number of provincial key agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, leisure agriculture star enterprises (parks)。持续开展“民营企业进边疆·吉林行”系列活动,吸引省内外民营企业参与吉林省兴边富民行动。
Thirty-one.We will support private enterprises in participating in infrastructure development。规范实施政府和社会资本合作新机制,优先选择民营企业参与政府和社会资本合作新建(含改扩建)项目,对于市场化程度较高、公共属性较弱的项目,应由民营企业独资或控股。合理设置建设项目招标资格条件,破除民营资本参与新型城镇化、交通水利等重大工程市场准入壁垒。接受保函、保单等其他非现金交易担保方式缴纳投标保证金、履约保证金、工程质量保证金等。
6. Promoting the healthy growth of private businessmen
Thirty-two.We will improve the ideological and political development of private businessmen。实施“小个专”(小微企业、个体工商户、专业市场)党建“星耀工程”,引领带动民营经济人士重视、支持、参与党建工作。稳妥做好在民营经济代表人士先进分子中发展党员工作,加强同各级党校(行政学院)、社会主义学院和高等院校等单位合作。推动杨靖宇干部学院申报理想信念教育基地,打造民营经济人士理想信念教育的“网络课堂”,常态化开展集中教育培训。
Thirty-three.Foster and promote entrepreneurship。通过线上线下举办专题辅导、专题培训等形式,引导民营企业家树立正确的国家观、法治观、事业观、财富观。引导民营企业家增强爱国情怀、勇于创新、诚信守法、承担社会责任、拓展国际视野,敢闯敢干,不断激发创造活力和创造潜能。组织开展企业家日活动,开展好优秀民营企业和优秀民营企业家评选表彰活动,及时总结宣传优秀典型,发挥优秀企业家示范作用。
34.We will strengthen the ranks of representatives of the private economy。优化民营经济代表人士队伍结构,在全省各级工商联换届及调整中,重点向战略性新兴产业、高技术产业、先进制造业、现代服务业、现代农业等领域倾斜。推荐优秀民营经济人士作为各级人大代表候选人、政协委员人选,引导民营经济人士有序参与政治活动。We will guide representatives of the private economy to play a greater role in international economic activities and organizations。
Thirty-five.We will improve the education and training system for private businessmen。继续实施年轻一代民营企业家培养计划,发挥青年企业家委员会作用,加强对民营经济人士的梯次培养,全面提升我省青年企业家素养。开展“四英”(传承菁英、创业菁英、科创菁英、职业经理菁英)培训,构建多领域多层次培训体系。突出专业化培训和红色教育两条主线,加大对换届后各级新任工商联主席、党组书记以及新一届执常委以上企业家代表的教育培训力度。
36.Build a friendly and clean relationship between government and business。Establish a new type of government-business relationship between party and government cadres and private entrepreneurs。Leading cadres at all levels should take the initiative to serve at the forefront and solve problems for private enterprises according to law and regulations。完善与民营经济人士谈心交流制度,深入了解民营经济代表人士思想状况和企业发展情况,有针对性地做好教育引导工作。
7. Continue to create a social atmosphere that cares about promoting the development and growth of the private economy
Thirty-seven.Guide the whole society to have an objective, correct and comprehensive understanding of the private economy and private businessmen。组织全省各级各类媒体持续开展宣传报道,加强政策阐释和舆论引导,营造促进民营经济发展壮大的良好舆论氛围,引导社会正确认识民营经济的重大贡献和重要作用。Resolutely resist, promptly refute, clarify and question the basic socialist economic system, negate and weaken the private economy and other erroneous remarks。
Thirty-eight.Foster a public opinion environment that respects the innovation and entrepreneurship of the private economy。We will strengthen publicity and reporting on the advanced deeds of outstanding entrepreneurs and enhance their sense of honor and social value。Create a public opinion environment and an atmosphere that encourages innovation and tolerates failure。Advocate that the society should understand, tolerate and help the mistakes and failures in the legal operation of private economic personnel。
Thirty-nine.We will guide private enterprises to better fulfill their social responsibilities。引导民营企业参与打造“吉善·同心圆之家”,引导民营经济人士做发展的实干家和新时代的奉献者,开展“和谐同行”企业培育行动。Through discussion, training, research and other forms, guide private entrepreneurs to strive for the "four models"。组织开展民营企业调研,引导民营企业增强履行社会责任意识,为参与援疆援藏、公益慈善事业及教育、医疗、养老等社会事业贡献智慧和力量。
8. Strengthen organization and implementation
Forty.Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over private economic work。坚持正确政治方向,把党的领导落实到工作全过程各方面,秉承高效集约原则,整合现有资源,建立民营经济和民营企业工作机构,进一步完善工作机制,明确和压实部门责任,加强协同配合,抓好贯彻落实。
Forty-one.Strengthen the supervision and implementation of policies。大力推动促进民营经济发展壮大、产权保护、弘扬企业家精神等政策落实落细,完善评估督导体系。The Federation of Industry and Commerce should play a better role around the healthy development of the private economy and the healthy growth of private economic personnel。We will establish and improve a platform for protecting the rights of private economic complaints, and improve the confidentiality system, handling procedures and supervision and assessment mechanism for complaints and reports。Summarize and disseminate good experience and good practices in a timely manner, and consolidate effective experience and practices in an appropriate form。